These are the rules for MYTH's Kinship house.

  1. 1. The house is for everyones convenience. This means - keep it clean and leave it in the same condition or better as it was before you came in :)
  2. 2. You are allowed to take/borrow stuff from the kinship chests, but you have to ask a member of higher rank then your self.
  3.      So a Recruit ask a Member, a Member ask a Officer and a Officer will have to ask the Lord. (If anyone removes or adds items, please let Screemer or Paddy know,
  4.      we need to keep the records updated)
  5. 3. You are allowed to add bound items to the kinship house but it has to be approved by a Officer or higher.
  6. 4. You are NOT allowed to remove or move any cosmetic additions to the kinship house without pre-approval from a Officer or higher.
  7. 5. All officers should help pay for the upkeep of the kinship house, since 2008-11-17 all members are paying 50 silver a week to help pay the rent. (Just send 50 silver a week to MYTHBANKER)
  8. 6. You may pay for the upkeep of the kinship house. It is allowed from Recruit and up to do so. Just let a Officer of higher know so we can take it into consideration later.

If you like me have a hard time to remember that it's time to send in money, you can use this and pre-pay rent for a certain amount of time in advance.

Period: Total Sum:
1 week 50 Silver
4 weeks 200 Silver
3 months 650 Silver
6 months 1 Gold, 300 Silver
12 months 2 Gold, 600 Silver

Last Updated on Wednesday, 11 March 2009 16:20

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